friday news wrote: As most of you noticed, it is sometimes impossible to get the whole list of items for sale at certain consignment merchants. The objects however do exist and can be found in the market explorer lists. We already talked about this bug at the beginning of the month and unfortunately it hasn't been fixed yet. Since we are fully aware of the resulting inconvenience, be it for the sellers as well as for the buyers, GOA's and Mythic's technical teams have thoroughly studied this issue but it turned out that pursuing the investigation would delay the release of version 1.84. Thank you for your comprehension about this unavoidable delay.
In the meantime, all we can do is suggest the sellers to put their most important objects in their consignment merchants' first pages which are less affected by this bug. Buyers can also note in the explorer's list the number of the house where the merchant you are interested in is located. Use the /houseloc xxxx (xxxx being the lot number). You will be given, among other things, the name of the house owner. You can then contact him directly if he is ingame and ask him, if he is not affected by the bug, to get the object at his consignment merchant's and sell it to you directly.
Another way to do business consists in using certain forums with sections dedicated to the selling of objects. You can then get in touch with a seller or a buyer in order to arrange a meeting ingame.
These temporary solutions may not be especially practical but will enable you to make the most critical transactions. Please keep in mind that this issue is our primary concern and that we are doing all that is humanly possible to fasten its fixing. we will inform you immediately as soon as we have any more news on the subject.