The roleplaying thread (a thread for tongue in cheek roleplaying)

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Post by Satyn »

Satyn stood on the balcony with the biggest smile on her face. From the first minute that Thandruil put the belt on her she knew what it was capable of and decided to get back at all the men that ever tried to hurt her.
But Thandruil didnt know that and thought the worst. Not knowing where to turn to he went out to find his old master ranger HappyG for advice. He got off his horse and walked up to HappyG to shake his hand when he noticed HappyG was missing two fingers. "oh my god" Thandruil said ... "how will you be able to fire you bow now?"
Fallen Spirits GM
Obscurum GM

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Post by Cuchuluhain »

With a rumble of thunder and a heavenly choir, the Almighty One appears looking bemused. "I could have sworn I ported to ..... oh well, never mind" with that,he turns and strides off, still in search of his pants.

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Post by Sharkith »

(lol nice one Cuchuluhain)

Sharkith gets back to the haven. He slowly but surely hops to the bindstone. He is feeling really really ill now. It is as if the world is coming to a halt and he seems to have ported randomly forwards. He passes the port stone slowly turns the world spins. Eventually the stone is there. He reaches out and clasps it. "Ligen. He gasps."

The world fades. For a long time there is nothing. Then whoosh! He is in a strange looking room with a long table. Around the table there are strangely dressed beings with matching clothes, oddly soft jerkins and funny looking things around their necks.

"Profits for this month are down 1.5%, is there any way we could cut costs by maybe removing a router or something?"

Sharkith is dumbstruck what is this world? All he wanted was to get to Ligen. His eyes widen. In the corner The Almighty one stands, as if under orders, he seems deeply embarrassed about the fact that he still has not found his pants.

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Post by Thandruil »

After having arrived at Ligen, Thand the warden decided to look for a fellowship in which he could go and fight for his beloved Hibernia. At this time of the day heroes from Albion and Midgard were already attacking the green fields, and something had to be done about it. Thand got invited in to a group, only after they had found out he was a bodyguard.

"Let's go to Agrammon once" said the groupsleader, and so the Hibernian fellowship departed towards Agrammon.

"I don't know about u people", said Thand towards the other people he was with, "but lately when i run around, everything seems to go so very slow. One could think he is drunk, but to me it seems as if the world is just getting slower every 20 seconds. Then it runs at normal speed again, but 20 seconds later everything seems to freeze again. I've had this for a few days now, and i really don't understand. Sometimes everything just fades to black before my eyes and the whole world disappears. Once i wake up again, i'm in a completely different place and have to visit a healer. Is this some kind of new Albion spell???"

It takes a while before Thand gets an answer, could it be that he wasn't the only having this 'problem'?? Till all of a sudden another voice in his group answered: "It's not only u who has this problem Thand, we all experience this lately, it is as if the Gods have forsaken us..."
Thandruil lvl51 Elf Ranger RR6L3 ML10 CL5 :thand:
Thand lvl51 Warden RR6L5 ML10 CL5:wave:
Vanara lvl50 Animist ML10
Extreme lvl50 Blademistress ML10

GM of Fallen Spirits :ranger:

Retired from DAoC now and started BF2142!

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Post by Lieva »

Peon quickly summoned her elven helper to her side and almost babbled incoherently to her druid friend. It seemed an old mob had recently returned to hibernia and she had decided to use the new gifts she had obtained in aerus ciy to attack it. Only trouble was...the mob appeared to be in different places at once.
"Oh well" she said to danu "the old mobs used to be in sheroee hills..perhaps this one resides there too?"
Danu thought for a while. "Whats it look like?"
"err...not sure..." Peon looked a little embarrised.
"Then .. how do we know how to find it?"
"It will find us. Remember only last night Bluey was saying how Lag has killed him..."
Lievaordiea x Eldritch
Peonchants x Enchanter

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