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what do you think are the biggest problems in RAID& Dungeon?

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 4:11 am
by eisson717
Hi guys, let us do a game, a choice question, what do you think are the biggest problems in RAID& Dungeon? (You can choose one or more to answer)
A. Many members’ AFK, make it awful to do the Raid
B. The lack of some important career make it hard to kill the boss
C. Guild’s growth and the guild site’s building need founds or money, most of which have to be contributed by the leader or admins
D. Lack some experienced players to do the RAID
E. Others,
___eg.,_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ >:)bleh:

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:55 am
by aarenlainey
It can be beneficial to designate several qualified people as raid leaders in the guild. This can help divide up the workload one may face when taking on the large responsibility of being a raid leader. Having multiple raid leaders is also helpful during times when a key leader isn't able to log into the game. Alternate leaders can then step into the role and ease any anxieties that a group might feel due to absence of their normal raid leader.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:31 am
by Earendil
Who are all you complete randoms? O.o